Sunday, August 20, 2023

What's the Michael Jordan of junk drawer items? Counting them down

You have a junk drawer and so did your parents. Your grandparents did, too (although it probably included World War II ration coupons, a mercury thermometer and castor oil).

The junk drawer is the place where you put items that you rarely use, but you might someday need. Scissors. Maybe a tape measure. Maybe an old stapler. Thumb tacks. The junk drawer is filled with things we rarely need, but when we need them, we need them.

Yours may be in the kitchen. It may be somewhere else. It may serve another purpose, too – perhaps a holding cell for bills or other mail.

The big question: What's the most critical item in your junk drawer? What is the Abraham Lincoln or Michael Jordan or Meryl Streep of junk drawer items?

Good thing you asked, because I have answers.

Like when I ranked kitchen appliances, pizzas, fictional holiday characters, fruits, office supplies and much more, I'm here to set the power rankings for junk drawer items. Counting down the top 10.

10. Paper clips. Best to have a variety. Big ones. Little ones. Maybe one of those oversized clips that can really pinch your fingers.

9. Flashlight. We have one on our mobile phones, but we still keep a flashlight in the junk drawer. Because  . . . maybe our phone won't work someday? Who knows, but we keep flashlights.

8. Rubber bands. Rarely needed, but crucial. The recommended practice is to have at least four or five scattered in the drawer.

7. Post-it notes/scratch paper. At some point, you need to write a note. Even for yourself. How else do you remind yourself to not forget something? Putting a note in your phone isn't as effective as a Post-it note on the front door.

6. Pens/pencils. When it's time for that note, you need a working pen or pencil. You actually need several, because most pens in your junk drawer have gone dry.

5. Scissors. Maybe these are too important for the junk drawer, but that's where most of us keep them. If you need scissors, what else are you going to use, a knife? Not unless you're Davy Crockett (although box cutters fit this category).

4. Tools, fasteners. A small screwdriver. A hex key or two. Some screws. A nail or two. This is the JV team for your toolbox, filled with things that don't quite make it to the big leagues.

3. Matches/lighters. Needed for birthday cakes candles, regular candles or to start a barbecue. Because it takes too long to start a fire another way.

2. Scotch tape. There's no replacement for this. If you run out of scotch tape, what are you going to do? Use duct tape to wrap a package? Glue it? Come on, man.

1. Batteries. The kings of the junk drawer because when we need them, it's urgent. For remote controls. Fire and/or smoke alarms. Or insulin pumps. And good luck getting that flashlight in the drawer to work without some batteries.

Reach Brad Stanhope at

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