Monday, August 16, 2021

Tomato Festival poetry sample shows my credentials are ample

The Fairfield Tomato Festival (now called the Tomato and Vine Festival) returns next weekend.

It was canceled last year due to the pandemic, but remains one of Fairfield's best events. Notably, my son (now 30) and I saw "The Goofy Movie" for free at the downtown movie theaters in the early years of the event. So there's that.

During the festival's history, I've made probably several pitches to become the event's poet laureate.

Not because I want to read my poetry in public. Not because I'm the greatest poet in town. It's mostly because it would be a great addition to my LinkedIn page and it provides me a column topic during the dog days of summer.

It's selfish. But it also seems like something the Tomato Festival organizers should consider, since having a poet laureate would add a layer of class. Otherwise, the Tomato Festival will be trying to ketchup with other festivals. Get it?

That's not a poem, that's a joke, but it shows my cleverness.

Anyway, here are some samples of my poetry (consider this my resume):


What fruit does yon county seat honor?

Its beauty is far greater than the plum

We use it on burgers and on hot dogs

It's detractors? Universally dumb

During August we hail thee as queen fruit

Thine taste and thou uses we celebrate

For thy majesty serves as the top seed

All other contenders are second rate

We'll beat towns that fete the digestible

With you, our great Tomato Festival


Oh, downtown Fairfield

Oh, Tomato Festival

Oh, add the word "Vine"


In Solano's fields it brings lots of loot,

But is a tomato a veggie or fruit?

Whether it's either or neither,

Just please take a breather

At this festival that question is moot


All hail the tomato, for all that you do

You originally come from our friends in Peru

The favorite in salads in South Carolina

The top exporting country is actually China

It provides useful fruit for a son or a daughter

And 94.5 percent of its weight is from water

While weeding around them, keep on your glove

In France it is known as the "apple of love"

For Solano County, it's agricultural glue

In dollar volume of crops it's ranked No. 2

As California's sun rises, the vines they stretch up

Creating what can be used to make ketchup

If hearing these details make you feel shook

Go find Tony Wade and buy his history book


Touch the world, wild vegetable

Or are you a fruit, as our teachers told us?

Maybe you're a combination of veggies and fruits

After all, you don't have to be only one thing

Turn your focus to ripen and feed us

Or become pizza sauce or a V-8

Even then we'll enjoy you

Surely that spells out your name!


Solanum lycopersicum!

Grows on the ground!

Tomato, potato, tornado!

Spinning to infinity!

Your juices are blood red, the blood of tyrants!

Curse the darkness!

Reach Brad Stanhope at

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