It's the best day of the year: The first day of daylight saving time, when we regain the end-of-the-day hour of sunshine that the government stole from us in early November.
Starting tonight, you can drive home from work without headlights. You can mow the lawn in the evening. Kids can play after dinner. Summer is coming. The rains will soon end.
Our long winter is nearly over. It's the end of daylight wasting time.
Contrary to what all the sun-hating quacks say, this is the way it's supposed to be. We're supposed to have sunny evenings, even if it means using our headlights in the morning.
We didn't fight the British in the Revolutionary War to have it be dark at 5 p.m.!
Oh, and it might be an hour later than you think, although the fact that our phones and most electronic devices automatically update.
It's daylight saving time, which also means it's time for me to empty a long winter's worth of notes:
• Golden State Warriors radio play-by-play announcer Tim Roye, who lives in Fairfield, is among the best in the world at his job.
Roye, who has been broadcasting Warriors games for 22 years (after six years in various roles with the Sacramento Kings), can be heard locally on KUIC (95.3 FM). Anyone who has tried to broadcast basketball – or even describe a play as it's happening – knows how difficult it is. Roye makes it seem easy.
He not only describes the game at the pace it's played, he frequently gives score and time updates (crucial on radio) and interjects humor into his broadcasts.
He also occasionally adds local color, such as describing a Rio Vista listener as living in "the gateway to the Delta."
With all due respect to the Giants' cluster of great broadcasters and Oakland Raiders tonsil Greg Papa, Tim Roye is the best radio play-by-play announcer in the Bay Area.
• If they ever finish the Green Valley Road overpass above Interstate 80, it will be great.
Until that happens, it will remain a 30-minute drive to go a quarter-mile. I feel bad for anyone who has to drive it regularly.
• Remind me, again: Is this a drought or flood?
We're always in one or the other, but I can't keep track.
• Phone app idea of the year: Something that starts playing music and applause, like they do to end long speeches at televised awards shows, on demand. Use it when someone starts to bore you with a long story, so you can get out of it and still appear gracious.
Wait! Are you playing me off?
• Despite all the undeserved grief he initially took at the Academy Awards, Warren Beatty reminded us that this remains true for him at 79: He's the coolest guy in any room.
I also choose to believe, despite recent explanations to the contrary, that he's the subject of Carly Simon's "You're So Vain."
• "The Great British Baking Show," back on Netflix, disproves that the theory behind American reality TV programming – that conflict is mandatory for success.
The show is about a group of nice, charming real British people who like each other and try to bake well. Sounds boring, but it's actually charming and enjoyable.
And nearly makes me forgive England for all that nonsense around 1776. Except the daylight saving time issue, of course.
Reach Brad Stanhope at
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