Sunday, November 30, 2014

Want to look younger? Shave!

 In an era when many young men grow beards that make them look like Civil War soldiers and others work hard to maintain a look that suggests they lost their razor three days ago, I take comfort in this fact: Facial hair makes you look older.

Clean-shaven men, rejoice!

The end of Movember – the made-up monthlong event where men supposedly grow facial hair to show support for men's health issues (no need to see a doctor, contribute money or change your lifestyle. Grow a beard! That will draw attention to men's health issues!) – is an appropriate time to point out the science: Facial hair makes you look older.

Here's the science, or rather "science": A recent study in Britain – performed by Crown Center, the nation's leading hair-transplant center – revealed that the 300 people were shown pictures of various celebrities who occasionally have facial hair and were asked how old they were. According to the survey, people said a beard made the celebs look up to 10 years old.

This is a good reminder.

If you're 20 or 25, it doesn't matter much if you look three, five or 10 years older. Most guys in their mid-20s don't want to be 30 or 35, but they don't mind if someone thinks that they're that age. It gives them gravitas.

However . . .

If you're 40 or 50 and grow a beard or goatee, you run the risk of looking 60. (Not that there's anything wrong with being 60. I write for a newspaper! I'm talking about our readers!) If you're 60 and think it's time to bust out a mustache that flashes back to the Tom Selleck-style 'stache you had in 1983, it may make you look 65.

And if you're 55 and decide to grow a stubble, realize . . . well, it will make you look like a homeless guy on an old movie.

I have no problem with facial hair. I wore a goatee for several years, starting in my late 30s. I think guys should do whatever they want with their facial hair. And you can make the case that a guy who has maintained a mustache or beard for decades shouldn't shave it off at age 50, just to look young.

But keep the "facts" in mind: A group of British people said that George Clooney and David Beckham looked older with facial hair. (Although, no surprise, people thought Brad Pitt looked younger than he is both with and without facial hair.) Facial hair has a good run, but research indicates a down side.

If you don't believe me, think about this: All those guys who started growing facial hair on Nov. 1 are now a month older – and might look several years older.

Think also about this: December starts Monday. It's the month where we will see the most celebrated icon of any holiday over and over and over.

And over.

We see Santa Claus, the bearded icon of Christmas.

Did you know he's just 35? It's the beard.

Brad Stanhope is a former Daily Republic editor. Reach him at

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