This time, the tech giant is claiming a breakthrough in quantum computing – which is presumably similar to "Quantum Leap," the early 1990s Scott Bakula TV show that I never watched. Anyhow, Google says a quantum computer processor completed a complex math problem in 200 seconds, a task that it says would take the world's fastest supercomputer 10,000 years to complete.
Google is probably lying and is definitely wasting money.
First, the lie: Google's claim that the math problem would take 10,000 years for a supercomputer to solve.
That seems like a wild guess. How does Google know it would take 10,000 years? Did someone time travel to the year 12019 and check? In the song "In the Year 2525," history goes no further than 9595, so I call baloney.
Secondly, what part of supercomputer doesn't Google understand?
Regardless, the "it would take 10,000 years" claim sounds like an overstatement, much like when compact discs arrived and we were told they would never wear out. Within about 18 months, that was proven wrong.
Google is lying.
The second issue with this claim is more basic. Why is Google spending time solving some complex math problem when we could all use a little help with Google solving basic math problems that we face every day?
Google is supposed to be practical, so quit showing off and help us with basic math.
Want examples? Here are a couple math problems that I want Google to use that quantum computer processor to solve for me:
How much do I need for retirement? I can ask my money guy, Leon, but even Leon doesn't know how long I'll live (unless Leon is plotting to kill me, which seems unlikely). And he can't guarantee what expenses I'll encounter.
I suspect I'm not alone in being nervous about future spending because of questions. If Google can solve a problem that would take a supercomputer 100 centuries to solve, it should be able to give me a bottom-line number, so I can make sure I run out of air and money at the same time.
What's the best deal on toilet paper? This is crucial. It was always a bit dicey, because of the complication of multi-ply toilet tissue, but in recent years, it's gotten harder.
Go to a store and you have the option of buying toilet paper in four-, six-, 12-, 48- and 54-roll packs, all with multiple options for thickness. Is it a better deal to get one four-ply, 48-roll pack or eight one-ply, 12-roll packs? And why does it jump from 48 rolls to 54? Shouldn't it be to 96 rolls? And if I get 96 rolls of toilet paper, how should I stack them?
Google should answer that. Presumably, there are other "math" solutions that could help us.
So congratulations to Google for solving a problem that none of us realized existed, then making up how long it would take other computers to solve it.
By the way, did anyone check Google's math? If it would take 10,000 years for a supercomputer to solve the problem, how do we even know the answer is correct?
I'll Ask Jeeves.